

Master of Fine Arts, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Advanced, Permanent, Teaching Certificate, New York State
Bachelor of Music Degree, Crane School of Music, State University of New York, Potsdam
Handbell Musicians of America Accreditations: Conducting Levels 1 and 2, Handbell Techniques, Levels 1 and 2

Work Experience

Director of Music Ministries, Murray Hills Christian Church, Beaverton, Oregon, 2017-Present
Work with ministers and worship team to provide excellence with sanctuary choir, contemporary worship team and handbell ensmbles. Recruit new musicians and support healthy programs. Promote educational opportunities for all. Connect with congregation through music and through worship.

Director of Handbell Programs – First Unitarian Church Portland, Oregon 2002-2017
Recruit and rehearse three children’s ensembles and two adult ensembles of varying skill levels. Select and prepare repertoire for all ensembles, score special music as needed. Coordinate learning retreats, promote opportunities such as Area 10 Festival, Distinctly Bronze, Distinctly Teen, and others.

Founder and Coordinator – Pacific Northwest Handbell Directors’ and Musicians’ Forum 2005-Present


Founded annual forum events when recognizing need for learning opportunities for local handbell directors and musicians in the area.

Founder and Biennial Coordinator – Pacific Northwest Youth Handbell Festival 2008-Present
Founded this annual festival to expand festival experiences for children and youth. Developed with Seattle colleagues to host event every other year, allowing young musicians to experience a road trip.

Founder and Artistic Director – Pacific Ringers Community Handbell Ensemble 2009-Present
Founded ensemble to promote opportunity for community ringers to practice, develop skills, and perform. Ensemble includes a governing board, 501(c)(3) non-profit entity status, logistics of equipment and rehearsal spaces, and fundraising.

Founding Clinician – Coppers Classic Handbell Event for Intermediate Musicians 2015-Present
Coordinate with regional board to develop advancement opportunities for intermediate musicians. Conduct all rehearsals and concert for this 3-day event.

Director of Bronze Conference Choir – Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference 2011-Present

Community Education Instructor – Clackamas Community College Senior Programs 2012-2016

Senior Retirement Community Chime Choirs Instructor, Independent 2012-Present

Handbells Musicians of America Regional Membership Coordinator (West, Areas 9-12) 2013-2017

Handbell Musicians of America, Area 10
Education and Youth Chair, 2016, Membership Chair 2016-Present

Professional Organizations

American Choral Directors Association
Handbell Musicians of America
Alberta (Canada) Guild of English Handbell Ringers
Handbell Musicians of Canada
