Upcoming Handbell Events
- September 9, 2017: Pacific NW Handbell Directors’ and Musicians’ Forum, Beaverton, Oregon (Info: area10.handbellmusicians.org)
- October 13-15, 2017: Coppers Classic, Portland, Oregon (Info: area10.handbellmusicians.org)
- April 13-14, 2018: Bay Area Spring Ring, California
- May 4-5, 2018: Siskiyou Summit Handbell Conference Bronze Conference Choir, Ashland, Oregon
- October 12-14, 2018: Coppers Classic, Portland, Oregon
Founded Ongoing Handbell Events
- Pacific Northwest Handbell Directors’ and Musicians’ Forum, est. 2005
- Pacific Northwest Youth Handbell Festival, est. 2008
- Coppers Classic , a Handbell Event for Intermediate Handbell Musicians, est. 2015
- Symphonius Sounds Senior Handchime Festival, est. 2016
Symphonious Sounds Senior Handchime Festival

An outgrowth of working with senior handchime choirs in independent living senior retirement communities was that I had so much fun that I wanted to bring all my choirs together to meet one another and to make music together. In this work I learned that senior musicians really enjoy the opportunity to make and hear each other make music and to have a showcase for the skills and musicality they have developed in the past year.
Working with seniors . . . that is, folks over 65 . . . well, more like 80-100! . . . has been illuminating. These folks are far from the stereotypes we’ve been taught. They’re curious, they want to learn new things, they want to improve and they want to strive to be their very best. The handbell community provides many opportunities for younger handbell musicians to ring and learn together at local, regional and national festivals but none existed for senior musicians. So, I made one!