“Ellie Hodder is a sensitive musician with great energy and enthusiasm. As a conductor she is exacting in her expectations and knows how to get results. Ms. Hodder is very consistent with gestures that call forth musical nuance and phrase. One of Ellie’s most impressive attributes is her ability to connect with her ringers. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that she memorizes most scores for performance. I have had the pleasure of working with Ms. Hodder on more than one occasion and always enjoy the experience of watching her create music that touches the listener’s heart.”
–William Payn
Composer, “Master Conductor” and “Master Instructor” of Conducting and Musicianship.
“Ellie Hodder impressed me when I observed how well she connected to a group of handbell musicians she was leading at an Area 10 conference. She skillfully and efficiently communicated her ideas and enabled the ensemble to excel in a brief span of time. Ellie holds a solid command of the instrument and is an outstanding director and musician.”
Arranger of “Hymns for Handbells” Series
“Ellie, although we have crossed paths a number of times, this summer was the first time I have ever had the opportunity and indeed privilege of watching you work. You have mastered the art of using rehearsals to analyze and correct musical problems that come from technique weaknesses both of ringers and music that needs technique adjustment to achieve the composer or arranger’s vision. As a ringer, I really appreciate the way you constantly build everyone up, accept mistakes as a part of the journey to make it better, and your ability to go to the heart of the problem and suggest or create a fix that works almost immediately – all done with a gentle, positive “don’t-worry-we-can-do-it” attitude that was empowering. You were ever able to deliver messages necessary. I was so impressed! Thank you for what you do and who you are.”
“Your sessions…could not have been closer to our needs. To name a few – you “knew” us in no time flat; your eye for individual and ensemble potential growth was accurate; your sense of humor never failed; your techniques for improvement were succinct and understandable; and, your steps toward musicality were always conveyed.”
–Richard Crofts, Minister of Music, Naples, FL. Moorings Ringers.
“Your contribution to our Evensong Concert Series was just fantastic. I was so taken by the high level of care that you took to put this program together. The readings were elegant and poignant. The music making heartfelt and first class.”
“Thank you for one of the most memorable experiences of my life! I enjoyed the whole week-end, but as the concert progressed, I felt more and more emotional, like my heart was full to overflowing…I can’t remember ever feeling like that before, and I’m approaching 70 years old!”